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After you placed Artificial Feature magnets et scanned the QR code, there will be a prompt to map the area, which is a necessary step to begin alignment.

The mapped range is 30 feet by 6 feet, within which perspective will be good and precise. 

So, please map and work only on 3 sides of the assembly. Technically, you can map and use all 4 sides, but there are chances that the result will be much less accurate.

Voici des exemples de votre zone de travail possible sur 3 côtés : 

While mapping the area, the camera is looking for the unique features of the area to mark and remember them. It captures the initial data, so the system will remember its environment when you walk around.

Map the area, pressing on the mapping button that will appear as a prompt. 

Map the range 30 feet by 6 feet, as mentioned above.


Ne quittez pas la zone de la cible QR avant d'avoir cliqué sur Mapping button (le bouton Cartographie). Si vous souhaitez vous éloigner de la cible, vous devez commencer par mapper la zone. 

Si vous voulez travailler de l'autre côté, vous devez effacer la carte et mapper le côté opposé.

Pour ce faire, veuillez cliquer sur Tools > Clear the map & Start Remapping

If for some reason you need to pause or continue remapping, you can also click on the button Start/Continue mapping on the left.

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About Eterio Realities Inc.

Eterio Realities Inc. is a software development company that specializes in Augmented Reality for industry 4.0. Our flagship product, FabStation, uses break-through Mixed Reality technologies to visually place 3D assets into a worker’s normal workflow. This is done through the use of devices like the Hololens 2.

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