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In order to navigate to different screens within the app, you must either choose an action or use one of the navigation icons in the header area of the app.  We will discuss the header navigation icons in this article.

Login Icon

Will get you back to the Login screen from the Home (Accueil) screen.

Dashboard Icon Will take you to the FabStation Web portal.

Back Icon

Will get you back to the previous screen that you were in.

Home Icon

Will take you to the Home (Accueil) screen.

Power Icon

  • Will exit you from the app;
  • Is used to make sure that you either pause or complete the status that you are in before exiting the app;
  • Will update the system before you exit.

Settings Icon

  • Will take you to the Setting (Paramètres) screen;
  • Located at the bottom left of every screen.
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