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In this article, you can learn how to: add, edit and delete an employee within Employee section of the FabStation Web Portal. We will also show you how you can check their app and Webportal Usage. 

To add a new employee: 

1. Select “EMPLOYEES” > “New Employee from the menu.

2. The Employee Management form will open up with fields to add the employee data into the FabStation software.

  • Full Name – Enter the employee’s full name
  • Email – put the employee email if you want them to receive notification about projects being processed and ready to use. 
  • Role – Select which role best suits the employee being added. Learn more about role permissions here.
  • Important info – Allows the creator to add any information desired about employees in the system
  • Username – Enter a unique FabStation username for this employee. If a username has already been used, you will receive a message.
  • Password – Enter a password for this user

3. Click on “Create New User”.

To add a new employee: 

1. Select “EMPLOYEES” > “Employees” from the menu.

   A list of all employees will be displayed. 

2. To edit employee’s details, click on the edit button  beside the employee entry in the table.

3. Edit information within employee management form: 

Changing Employee Password

If you need to change your or another employee password, you can do it in the same “Employee Management” field of the user that requires password change

Simply type the new password in the dedicated field and click on “Save”. 

The change is immediate, and the user will be able to log in with a new password right away. 

To add a new employee: 

1. Select “EMPLOYEES” > “Employees” from the menu.

2. To delete en employee, click on the red cross button ❌ beside an employee details on the table.  

3. Before the employee is permanently deleted, there will be a message to confirm the action. Click “OK” to proceed with deleting the employee. 

If you are trying to see how often and how much your teammates/ employees are using the app, you can do it via the Usage page on the WebPortal. 

There are 2 views available – Company Usage and Member’s Usage. 

Checking Company Usage, you need to: 

1. Select Interface – usage of WebPortal or FabStation App. 

2. Chose the data range to show you general or more detail time.

3. Choose date – a day, or a month depending on the range you selected. 

company usage

Once all is set, you will be able to see the chart with the names (blurred) and their App/WebPortal usage.

Member’s Usage had the same interface and date selections, but shows more granular view for each teammate/employee. For instance, it can show you the App/Webportal usage for each day during a certain month, or hourly usage per day. 

Please note that the numbers on the charts reflect the quantity of requests made by a user to a server. Every interaction like – log in, click on a button, information requests is counted. 

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About Eterio Realities Inc.

Eterio Realities Inc. is a software development company that specializes in Augmented Reality for industry 4.0. Our flagship product, FabStation, uses break-through Mixed Reality technologies to visually place 3D assets into a worker’s normal workflow. This is done through the use of devices like the Hololens 2.
