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If the detailing software being used does not support the export of a KISS file, one will need to be created manually. 

The KISS file format is a comma delimited ASCII text file used for transferring bill of materials data. It is named using the .KSS file extension to ensure recognition. It consists of an identification line containing a KISS identifier, version number, and the name of the software product which created the file.

  • The id line can be followed by an optional header line containing certain specifications about the job, such as job number, job name, etc.
  • Optional address lines can contain the name, address and phone numbers of key players on the project, such as the owner, engineer, and the site.
  • Detail lines may occur in unlimited numbers, containing fields such as quantity, type, size and length.
  • Optional labor lines specify an unlimited number of labor functions required to produce each detail line.
  • Optional sequencing lines specify what quantities should be assigned to an unlimited number of sequences.
  • Optional CNC data can also be passed, to be stored and retrieved at an appropriate time during production control.

Note that the file is designed in sequential order. For example, any Labor, Sequencing, or CNC Data lines will be assumed to be attached to the previous Detail line.
No line should be longer than 254 characters.
All dates should be displayed in MM/DD/YY format.

The file can be initially created in notepad and then saved with the standard *.txt extension. See procedure below to change to the *.kss format

Sample KSS File download

KISS,1.0,Tekla Structures

H,20-01-01,Demo Project,,05/12/20,08:56,F






  • Entries are comma separated
  • Fields in BOLD are required
  • If an optional field is not used a double comma is required.

Line 1: Line Identifier, Version Number, Generating Software

KISS,1.0,Tekla Structures

Line 2: Line Identifier, Job Number, Job Name, Customer Name, Created date, Created Time, Metric, File Type

H,20-01-01,Demo Project,,05/12/20,08:56,F

*  <- Used as a divider to split assembly details

Detail Line(s): Line Identifier, Drawing No, Drawing Rev, Assembly mark, Part Mark, Quantity, Type of Material, Size of Material, Grade, Length, Finish, Notes

D,B1007,0,B1007,B1007,1,W,18X40,350W-CLASS.C,7575.55,PRIMED,BEAM <- Main Part

D,B1007,0,B1007,1p63,2,PL,1/2X12-3/8,300W,433.24,,PLATE <- Small part


Detail Line(s): …continue for next parts

To change the manually created KSS file to the *.kss extension, locate it in the appropriate folder.

On Windows, select the “View” tab and then make sure the “File name extensions” box is checked. This will now display the *.txt file extension for your file.


Now select the file and then select the “Home” tab. There will be an option to “Rename” the file.



When “rename” is selected, you will be able to edit the file name and extension. Change the file extension to “kss”.



You will be prompted to confirm the change. Select “Yes”. 


Now you have a KSS file that is ready for upload. To edit the file again, you can just double-click to open the file and then select “notepad” as the program 

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About Eterio Realities Inc.

Eterio Realities Inc. is a software development company that specializes in Augmented Reality for industry 4.0. Our flagship product, FabStation, uses break-through Mixed Reality technologies to visually place 3D assets into a worker’s normal workflow. This is done through the use of devices like the Hololens 2.
